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Taverner Place, Marston, OX3

Guide Price: £460,000

Property Type




    Headington office

    109 London Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9HZ

    This Property's Key Features

    • - Renovated family home
    • - 50ft West facing garden
    • - Planing permission to be extended
    • - 3 double bedrooms
    • - Located close to schools , hospitals, shops and universities
    • - Investment potential
    Picture No.07

    Our Guide to Headington

    Say hello to Headington! An eastern suburb of Oxford, Headington is situated at the top of Headington Hill.
    Teaser Headington

    Want to Discuss This Property?


    Headington Office

    109 London Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9HZ

    Opening Hours

    • Monday - Friday:9:00am - 6:00pm
    • Saturday:9:00am - 1:00pm

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